Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here we go

Well the day is finally here! Its five am and we are getting ready to sail for hawaii. Within the hour. Sorry for not including pictures....I am writing this from my droid phone and it will only let me write the blog in HTML mode so its a little tough.
The windvane we made is working well and sea trails went incredibly well, this boat likes to sail!
We have to head south for five or six hundred miles to drop below the high before turning west for hawaii.
We will see how the fishing is off mexico!
Thanks again to you all for the help, advise, and made the project go so much more smoothly.

The crew is ready and Kolohe Is tugging gently on her dock lines wanting to be set free .......


Lorent McCormick said...


Lorent McCormick said...


Anonymous said...

Fair Winds!

Sarah said...

HOLY MOLY! Have a wonderful trip, Uncle Don! We sure miss you. :)

Anonymous said...

Bon Voyage! I have been following your project for well over a year and feel as excited as if I was going myself.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is exciting! I've been following your progress since you first got the boat. I got goosebumps reading this post :)

Fair winds, and I'll look forward to any updates.


(former A-30 owner)

Bruce Barker said...

Way to go Cuz!!!

Congrats to you and yours for a job well done and very entertaining to read.

Have fun in the sun!

Sarah said...

Hi Uncle Don,
Not sure where you're at right now (Friday, March 11th). Just heard about the quake in Japan and subsuquent tsunami warnings all over the world. Here's hoping you're well out at sea! Please let us know you're ok when you get a chance. Love you.