Monday, November 2, 2009

Head Dorade Box

A big thanks to David Fisher aboard Kalitsah (A30 # 440) for the heads-up regarding the potential leaks from the dorade  box into the liner. I cut the dorade box off the deck and could see where it had indeed been leaking into the liner. I will refit the area and seal it up well and replace the dorade box with a hatch.



Tonight I got to it and drew the hatch cutout onto the deck with a pencil and rough cut the straight lines with the Fein Multimaster tool. The radius corners were then shaped by using a ZEC grinding disk in a 4-1/2" grinder turned on its side. Those disks remove a lot of material very quickly without gumming up the disk. The hatch dry fit well and now there is a little hand work to be done before the trim ring is fit inside and the deck can be sealed and prepped for bedding the hatch.

Sealed and fairing coat applied


Anonymous said...

Hatch over the heads is a great idea! I'll scratch my head and think about doing the same myself.

I have a blog about my boat at which is a little neglected, but reading yours I'll endeavour to update the thing again soon.

David Fisher.

Unknown said...

Lovely bulkheads. What is the wood you are using for the interior? Great detail in your blog. Thanks, David

Don said...

Thanks David,
The bulkheads are Jatoba, commonly called Brazilian cherry. It looks like teak when new, so much so that the fellows at the lumber yard rub it to make sure they are not giving me teak! Teak is more oily and if the wood is not marked often that's the only way to tell it apart from teak. It does age to a richer chocolate color than teak and resembles old time boats faster then fresh teak would.
The figured wood panels are figured teak.
Cheers, Don